Membership Details

Membership Levels


Get one-on-one strategy sessions with Jennifer Henczel MASTER your Mindset, Message and Marketing It’s time to rise above and step ...

Lifetime Membership

Inspiring Influencers Lifetime Membership Being an entrepreneur can be isolating. That’s why we created this supportive community. Inspired Influencers is ...

Women in Podcasting Network

Join our amazing community of Women Podcasters & Expert Guests! Being a podcaster can be isolating... That's why we created ...

Inspired Influencers Inner Circle

Monetize Your Message Create Your Signature Program You are a queen! You are royalty. You are the ruler of your ...

How it Works

Purchase some of our programs individually through our store HERE, or get access to ALL of our downloads, checklists, templates, guides, videos, online courses and resources for a monthly fee…

Learning at your own pace in your own space from experts, trainers and influencers around the globe.

If you are a leader who’s looking to level up and build credibility and visibility locally and internationally, then you’re in the right place. 

Experience personal and professional development processes to help you turn your ideas into action. Implement today’s top strategies, to secure a prosperous future. Level up and live on purpose. Learn and network with other like-minded leaders, visionaries, speakers, and entrepreneurs.

Enroll Now:

I love creating solutions for experts, coaches, speakers and leaders to help them move to the next level. It is my joy to share my wisdom to help others manifest more impact, influence and fulfillment in their work and life.

My memberships are filled with tools, templates, checklists, workbooks and strategies you can use in your business right away. You’ll get access to the framework and blueprints I use in my own business and lifestyle.


  • When signing up below, be sure to select the membership you want by checking the radio button beside that option.
  • You must use the proper postal code associated with your credit card for the payment to be accepted.
  • See descriptions of our membership levels below, if needed.
  • If you encounter any problems signing up, please contact us.
  • There is 5% GST on all memberships and services in accordance with CRA.


More Details

WOMEN IN podcasting & Entrepreneur Express $17/month

MASTER your mind and your message

Create your signature story

We thank you for your support! As part of your membership, you receive our Story Academy program. Storytelling is a powerful tool for expressing your message, whether it’s for business, a special cause, or powerful movement. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you” (Maya Angelou). Create stories you can use in your life, business or non-profit to create a movement and reach the ideal audience:

  • Access to our comprehensive Storytelling System.
  • 5 Day Book Bliss Challenge.
  • Full Book Bootcamp.
  • Majestic Mindset.
  • All Mindfulness meditations.
  • All Challenge Replays.
  • Exclusive Facebook group.
  • Special access to downloads, tools, guides and other perks.
  • Majestic Mindset.

Inspired Influencers $47/month

MONETIZE your message

Create your signature program

Inspired Influencers is the get get inspired! This membership is for leaders who are ready to level up. Let us help you navigate all the marketing tools and options to create a client attraction system that works:

  • Includes Business Breakthrough TV and Story Academy memberships.
  • Access Biz Breakthrough replays and online meetings.
  • Accountability sessions in our Facebook group.
  • Access downloads, templates, tools, and resources to help grow your business.
  • Learn at your own paces with all the online training courses and workbooks.
  • Get the skills you need, when you need them, through our self-paced, high value curriculum.
  • Members get special access to our connections and reach.
  • Access to these marketing tools, templates and self-paced learning programs:
      • 1000 Business Templates Forms, and useful Documents
      • Business Planning Like a Pro Package with Templates
      • Stand Out Content Marketing and Management System PLUS 365 Day Editorial Calendar
      • Creating Your Sales & Marketing Funnel
      • SOP Success: Get More Marketing ROI with a Standard Operating System
      • 300 Positive Affirmations for Your Life and Business
      • BOOK: 592 Tweets, Posts & Quotes: Ideas for Your Social Media Content
    • PROGRAMS: 
      • Breakthrough Branding: A Blueprint for Building a Powerful Signature Brand
      • Client Attraction Code: A Blueprint for Creating an Irresistible Group Coaching Program
      • Funnel Formula: Create Lead Magnets and a Client Attraction System that Sells
      • Rapid Revenue System: How to Create Hot Selling Online Courses and Programs to Get New Clients and Generate Passive Income
      • Event Buzz: A Blueprint for Filling Your Events and Increasing Engagement
      • Email Marketing Lab: A Blueprint for Capturing Leads and Building Lasting Relationships with your Audience
      • Marketing Motivator: Supercharge Your Marketing for Less Stress, More Clients, and More Cash
      • And more!
    •  COACHING TOOLKIT: Tools, templates, forms, letters and more to wow your clients and grow your coaching business. Examples:
      • Client Invoice Sample
      • Coaching Agreement
      • Coaching Success Guidelines
      • Intake Form
      • Welcome Letter
      • Monthly Review Form
      • Coaching Session Preparation Worksheet
      • Self-Assessment Worksheet
      • Business Overview Worksheet
      • Individual Coaching Plan Template
      • Coaching Feedback Worksheet
      • Coaching Session Agenda Template
      • SWOT Analysis Matrix
      • Root Cause Analysis Worksheet
      • High Impact Questions Worksheet
      • Goal and Action Plan Template
      • Coaching Journal
      • Accountability Checklist
      • Business Goals Worksheet
      • …and lots more!
      • BONUS: When you sign up for our Academy level of membership today, you’ll also get access to the entire Story Academy Program! It’s a comprehensive program for helping you craft your message, incorporating stories to attract your ideal audience.

Likeable Leaders $10K for 6 Months

MAXIMIZE your message 

Create your signature movement.

  • All of the above.
  • One call per month for 6 months.
  • Mentorship training to help you lead people and create a movement.
  • Access to our full library of workbooks, workshops materials, curriculum, tools, templates, processes and programs to use in your own meetups and masterminds.
  • MRR rights on selected programs.
  • Get exposure through cross promotion.
  • Learn our event and JV and collaboration secrets and strategies. 
  • Connect and collaborate with other influencers, speakers, coaches, and experts.
  • Enjoy exclusive events and online training.

This membership level requires approval to join. Click here to apply

More information about some of our programs:

More information about our programs:

Notes about Membership Levels, Descriptions, and Pricing:

  • All memberships are for 1 person, per business, per year.
  • Tools, Templates and Self-Paced Learning Programs: You must be logged in to access all the tools.
  • Taxes and Membership Dues

Here are some tax tips from CRA about membership dues and possible rebate of any GST/HST you paid as part of your dues:

All income and GST from Inspired Influencers are reported as a marketing program under Jennifer Henczel under GST# 885937292.

Other Services & Opportunities

  • Coaching
  • Retreats
  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Online Courses
  • Corporate Training

Contact me today!