Taking Brave Action
Taking brave action: I’ve never ever met a successful business owner who said their most winning strategy was to wait until they felt ready. – Jennifer Henczel
Taking brave action: I’ve never ever met a successful business owner who said their most winning strategy was to wait until they felt ready. – Jennifer Henczel
You are the ruler of your own life! This is an acronym I created and use with my clients to help them lead with purpose, level up their mindset and leverage their time. LEAD: Liberate: Let go of the limiting beliefs that are not serving your vision and highest self. Eliminate: Remove the tasks that . . . read more
Happiness only increases from being shared I have a massive announcement later this week. People are going to be shocked, surprised, bewildered… And many people are going to be helped and have fun. Want in? Join my list if you want to hear about it. Sign up below. I started Inspired Influencers to help leaders . . . read more
Do you have mentors and influencers in your life? I’m talking about the people who have had a huge impact on your forward movement, whether it’s been a small step or huge leap. Things happen in cycles, just like these seasonal blossoms. People come in and out of your life for a season to help . . . read more
First, did you know that every second $4,108.80 is spent on information products? That means that people are paying other people to learn from them at a rate of $355 million dollars a day! But I’m not talking about college classes! In fact traditional college as we know it (that was designed for the industrial . . . read more