Inspired Influencers

BIPOC Women in Podcasting

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Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels

Let’s celebrate BIPOC Women in Podcasting!

We are thrilled and honored to highlight these amazing podcasters – each one a BIPOC Women with a powerful voice, generous heart and inspiring life. Read their introductions in their own words. It’s all about connecting and celebrating together!

All BIPOC Women Podcasters are invited to be included here, year round. So, if you’d like to be added to this list, message me HERE with your intro and link. Please be sure to include your name, podcast name, brief description, and links to your cover art and to your podcast.

You find our Black Women in Podcasting list HERE.

Plus, feel free to introduce yourself in this thread in our Women in Podcasting Group HERE

Kim Kuhteubl

Voice Lessons with Kim Kuhteubl

Voice Lessons is a podcast about creativity, visibility and the way women lead. Author/Entrepreneur Kim Kuhteubl talks to unexpected founders, creatives and movement makers. Women who have gone rogue and are building social, spiritual and financial wealth for themselves, their families and the world. Our goal is to get one million women to speak the unspeakable and change the course of #herstory.

Clare & Mari

Yellow Ranger Fan Club

A monthly culture podcast about being Asian, Female, and dorky. We cover an array of topics from history to food to TV shows.

Your Name

Podcast Name

<<< Your cover art will go there. Please send it in 400×400 if possible.

Your brief description will go here

Your podcast link will go here

About Jennifer Henczel

Jennifer Henczel is an Award Winning Leader, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Podcaster and Founder of Inspired Influencers and Women in Podcasting VIP Club. Jennifer’s mission is to lift women’s voices and stories globally. This is a collaborative movement and community where members inspire each other to turn their ideas into actions and live their dreams.View all posts by Jennifer Henczel

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