Amazing Ideas and Speakers are not Enough!
When it comes to filling your events, you might be shocked to know that your great idea and high quality speakers are not enough.
I’ve been to some absolutely beautiful events, with amazing speaker…. and empty seats or trade show floor.
It makes me think about how disappointed the person must be who had the vision for the event. I wish they could have had a one-on-one Power Planning session with me first, because it’s so avoidable.
I hear from people all the time that they are having trouble filling their events, and it always comes down to understanding that your amazing idea, the speakers, and venue are only part of the whole picture.
How the market responds to events has changed dramatically over the past few years, and the old ways just don’t work anymore. Unfortunately, it’s not just about having the best speakers and content alone.
Events as Lead Generators
I’ve planned and promoted over 500 events of all types and sizes, and I’ve seen it all. I know how to use events to grow my business.
I’ve also filled many events, and I know that unless you have a clear understanding of the objective for your event and the exact model you are employing and why, then you might be throwing your time and money out the window. You need to be crystal clear about how you are going to grow your business, connections, reach and influence.
Do you completely understand 100% about how this event fits into your funnel?
You need to be able to answer that in order to fill your event.
It’s about knowing how events fit into your business and being extremely clear on the model you’re using.
For me, after many iterations, successes and fails, it’s clear that events are primarily for lead generation. Not all events, but this is the case for most experts just trying to get their message heard. If you think events are the core of your profit… nope, you’re way off. You’ll be disappointed. There are very few who successfully make events the absolute center of their business. Maybe your event concept is the exception, but for most businesses in every niche, events are better used as lower level offers ($20 – $1997) for the purpose of generating leads to your higher income streams and offers.
Hope is Not a Plan
Knowing the right strategies for creating sold out events and then thoroughly implementing them creates results. It’s about confidently knowing how to make it happen. Do you need help filling your events?
Event Buzz: A Blueprint for Filling Your Events
Want to finally fill your events?
Download these Social Media Checklists for Before, During and After Your Events
Thousands of people have downloaded this plan and have used it to increase their event engagement and attendance.
This download will be available for a limited time. Sign up to get your copy now and then watch your inbox:
Hi, I want to let you know that I was where you are at, and I want to help you. In 5 years,I started my network and I’ve expanded it from 1 chapter to 12 chapters, and growing. I’ve produced sold out conferences, meetups and seminars, and now I want to show you all my strategies.
I have planned and promoted over 400 events in the past 5 years, not just one or two events a year. Now, I want to give you my step-by-step plan:
- Learn how to increase attendance and engagement.
- Find out about the tools experts use for planning and promoting your event.
- Discover scheduling and automating processes that will save you time and create more opportunities.
- Learn top strategies for using social media to create buzz about your event.
- Learn about getting others on board to spread the news about your event.
- Explore the pros and cons of the top online platforms for event registration and integration.
Once you sign up, watch your inbox for your gift.
It’s going back in the vault shortly, so get your copy now.
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